Employer of Record in Turkey
Situated at the confluence of Europe and Asia, Turkey benefits from dynamic economic growth. This strategic location makes it an essential commercial hub, attracting investment and a wide range of business opportunities. However, despite this abundance of opportunities, labour recruitment can sometimes prove complex for companies, which have to deal with specific administrative requirements. It is against this backdrop that wage portage is emerging as a flexible and effective solution for meeting the needs of the labour market.
What is Employer of Record ?
EOR involves three parties: the portage company, the client company and the candidate employee. Salveo acts as an intermediary between the employee and the employer, taking care of the legal and regulatory aspects such as immigration, employment and remuneration. However, it should be emphasised that this company provides shared management, particularly in terms of administration, for the employee’s position. The initial employer or the client company remains responsible for the key decisions relating to the content of the position, its development and remuneration, which it then shares with the staffing company.
What are the advantages of EOR in Turkey?
- Firstly, it gives workers legal and social security, because they are considered to be employees of the “portage” company. This means that they are entitled to benefits such as health insurance and pensions.
- In addition, wage portage allows them to focus on their work and their projects, without having to manage administrative and financial management.
- Then, wage portage is also advantageous financially, because it allows you to benefit from simplified management of workers’ compensation.
Why choose Salveo to support you?
As a member of the ADIT Group, Salveo is positioned as your trusted partner, with a team of local French-speaking specialists and more than 30 years of experience. We have already supported many companies in the management of their staff in this country.
Our range of PEO services includes:
- Drafting of contracts in accordance with local legislation,
- Assistance in obtaining work and residence permits, especially for foreign employees,
- Full payroll management, including the issuance of payslips,
- Regular monitoring of declarations and payments of social security contributions and income tax,
- Particular attention paid to paid leave,
- Efficient management of professional expenses,
- Support at all stages of the end of the contract,
- Expert support to answer all your questions about employment law and employee contracts.
In addition, we offer a range of optional services, such as recruiting new employees, hosting in our business centers and managing the international mobility of your employees, including finding accommodation, enrolling children in school, renting vehicles, and many more.
Essential information you need to know
The sectors that recruit the most
- Tourism and hospitality
- The health, pharmaceutical and cosmetics sector
- Construction and public works
- The automotive industry
- Textiles and clothing
Geographical areas with the highest recruitment
- Istanbul, the country’s capital
- Trabzon, considered the capital’s professional equal
- Ankara, one of the world’s most important cities
Working hours
Normally, working hours are limited to 9 per day, spread over 5 days a week, generally from Monday to Friday. Overtime is set at 150%. Employees are entitled to compensation of one and a half hours’ future leave for each hour of overtime worked.
Paid holidays
In Turkey, employees are entitled to annual leave after one year’s work and their paid leave depends on the length of employment.
1-5 years |
14 days |
5 years and more |
20 days |
15 years and more |
26 days |
NB: employees aged under 18 or over 50 |
20 days |
Fixed and mobile public holidays in 2024
1st January |
New Year’s Day |
6th February |
The Prophet’s night journey |
23rd February |
Night of forgiveness |
11th March |
Start of Ramadan |
9th April |
Ramazan Bayrami, Feast of the breaking of the fast |
23rd April |
National Sovereignty and Children’s Day |
1st May |
Emek ve Dayanisma Günü |
12th May |
Mother’s Day |
19th May |
Youth, Sports and the Memory of Atatürk Festival |
16th June |
Feast of Sacrifice |
16th June |
Father’s Day |
7th July |
Islamic New Year |
16th July |
Death of the 3rd Husain imam |
30th August |
Victory Day |
9th September |
Izmir Liberation Day |
15th September |
The Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday |
19th September |
Veterans’ Day |
29th October |
Republic Day |
10th November |
Day of Atatürk’s death |
24th November |
Teachers’ Day |
Minimum wage
The minimum wage is set at 17.002 TL (Turkish Liras) per month, or around 520 euros.
Termination of employment contract
In Turkey, termination may take place voluntarily on expiry of the contract, by the employee, by mutual agreement or by the employer. This must be for one of the following valid reasons:
- Immoral or malicious conduct
- Medical reasons for incapacity for work
- Sexual harassment
- Professional misconduct
- Disciplinary dismissal
Employees who have worked with the employer for at least one consecutive year and those whose contracts have been cancelled are entitled to redundancy pay, worth one month’s salary per year of service (subject to a limit of TL 23,489.83).
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62 rue de Miromesnil 75008 Paris